ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
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Double counter ROB special (cusstom made conter with PLC)
Category Accessories for production plants & machines (measure) and subcategory Length measurement, measuring wheels, counters and other accessories for automation
Double counter ROB special (cusstom made conter with PLC)  - main photo 1038Custom made conter for two rows of product counting. PLC unit with display and special software. Counter memory (power failure), 2x input for optical sensors, delay setting of the encoder pulses. To order everything ...

custom made Custom made

Price: on demand
Online order is not possible, because
product has more subproduct (bottom)
Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
Advantages of this solution:
Possibility of additional programming many more features
Always tailored solutions for even complex operations feasible

- Technical specification:
Power: AC 230V, 50Hz, 2-12W
Sensors: 2 x PNP optical sensor
PLCS Unit: 8x input, 4x output PNP, display HMI with keyboard
Software: according to your specification
- Other photo:
Double counter ROB special (cusstom made conter with PLC)  - detail photo 1038 Double counter ROB special (cusstom made conter with PLC)  - detail photo 1038 Double counter ROB special (cusstom made conter with PLC)  - detail photo 1038

- Links:
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