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Winding and folding machine for nonwovens
Category Machines for textile, paper & other materials and subcategory Perch, rewinding machines, packing machine
Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - main photo 1070The folding machine is designed for packing (folding) nonwovens into a package. The machine measures the required length and winds the required charge (length) using automatically adjustable mandrels. The operator removes the material and transverse assembly into the package.

our tip Our tip custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
Online order is not possible
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Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
The complete machine consists of four main parts:
1. Unwinder
2. Compensator
3. Towing and cutting assembly
4. Winding system

The device is one service and is designed for cutting and winding nonwovens, according to samples supplied by the customer. It is used for material removal, division, winding according to the required specifications on the winding mandrels, where the finished product is ready for manual removal.

The design of the machine is chosen simply and efficiently to achieve easy and safe operation by the operator. For the safety of the operator, the moving parts of the machine are equipped with safety fencing.
- Technical specification:
Max. machine power: 9.4 kW
Current system: 3 + N + PE TN-S
Supply voltage: AC 400V, 50Hz
Max. compressed air operating pressure: 6 bar
Workplace noise: <75 dB
Max. machine dimensions (l x w x h) with material: 5900 x 4500 x 2200 mm
Max. material width: 1600 mm
Gross weight: 1600 kg
- Other photo:
Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - detail photo 1070 Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - detail photo 1070 Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - detail photo 1070 Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - detail photo 1070 Winding and folding machine for nonwovens - detail photo 1070

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