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ROBEX DK, s.r.o. Slovany 3051 544 01 Dvůr Králové n.L. VAT: CZ 27471489 (DIČ) CZECH REPUBLIC www.robex-dk.cz | |
Shop: Mo-Th..7:00 - 15:00 Fr.......7:00 - 14:00 e-mail: info@robex-dk.cz tel.: +420 499 321 109 fax: +420 499 621 124 | |
Other wetstone
Category Hand held cutters, cutting machines & scissors and subcategory Sharpener, whetstone, grinder for cloth cutters and band knife saw
Availability: Price: on demand Online order is not possible, because product has more subproduct (bottom) Online demand is not possible |
Detailed description:
Technical specification:
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Pertaining product: RB 35 MP - small vertical PUR band saw (for small parts cutting), RB-V 600 - vertical band saw without sliding desk, RB-VP 600 - vertical band saw with sliding desk, RB-VP 1100 - vertical band saw with sliding desk and two squares (luxury), RB-VP 1300 - vertical band saw for PUR, PRS 4 - repassed, modification vertical band saw, RB-HP SPEC. - special horizontal band saw with vertical sliding, RB–HX 300 - horizontal manually movable bandsaw for PUR , RB-HX 1100 - horizontal bandsaw for PUR, Saw BR S1 - horizontal belt drink to the cartonnage, paper, RB-VP 600/G - special vertical band saw for graphite blocks cutting, BR 15 and BR 16 - angular band saw for PUR, BR 800, BR 1000, BR 1500 (MP). BR 2000, BR 2100 (MP), BR S1 PUR were replaced by new models RB
Links: Catalogue list for this product is not available
Product video on https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL2571B31B5DA6F14F'
Other documentation is not available for this product
Encyclopaedical info on https://www.robex-dk.cz/robexpedie/index.php?clanek=1257758962.php
This list was printed from web pages ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ( www.robex-dk.cz/en ). All rights reserved. Please check recency always! Order or request at e-shop, by phome or fax, by e-mail. Please advice impact on environment before printing this.