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Saw, separatory funnel to the plastic conduit BRX 1000 - 1600
Category Other machinery, custom made special machines and subcategory Next special custom made machinery
Saw, separatory funnel to the plastic conduit BRX 1000 - 1600 - main photo 431This machine is identified especially to dividing plastic piping.

custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
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- Detailed description:
Install oneself assembling from guiding subframe and from two fixative wreaths. Piping are pinching in 6 and 4 fixative wreaths. Outside table about longitude 8 m be instrumental towards supporting tag cutty piping and is division into two parts. Part further from saw has couple roller sequenced to the vee, which allows transverse centring ends piping on conveyer. Saw is identified entirely to dividing PE plastic conduit with requisite look askance. Slaughter from oven-ready food longitude from 12 m to the 2,5 m about OD 315 mm when 1600 mm with high accuracy and smoothness cut.
- Technical specification:
Height 4030 mm
Input 4 kW
Average sawmill wheels 500 mm
Angular displacement pole (+-) 22.5 m/with
Maximum cutting course 1150 angle
Supply voltage 400 V, 50 Hz
Setting accuracy pole (+-) 0.1 mm
Band speed 11.8 m/sec.
Weight 2450 Kg
- Other photo:
Saw, separatory funnel to the plastic conduit BRX 1000 - 1600 - detail photo 431

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