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Stick-on metre sartorial - steel
Category Tools and accessories for tailors & upholsterers and subcategory Automatization accessories, counters, admeasures, cable reels
Stick-on metre sartorial - steel  - main photo 495Very first-rate stick-on metre - longitude 1, 2, 3, 5, 10 m, steel.

our tip Our tip stock At Stock

Availability: At Stock (verify by e-mail)
Price: from Eur 6.4,- net of VAT
Online order is not possible, because
product has more subproduct (bottom)
Online demand is not possible

- Subproducts
Longitude and types:
Metre steel 1 m LP 08001002/30 Eur 6.4,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 1 m PL 08001002/32 Eur 6.8,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 2 m LP 08001002/3 Eur 10.6,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 2 m PL 08001002/31 Eur 11.4,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 3 m LP 08001002/36 Eur 14.9,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 3 m PL 08001002/33 Eur 16.9,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 5 m LP 08001002/35 Eur 20.7,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 5 m PL 08001002/34 Eur 23.3,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 10 m LP 08001002/8 Eur 32.6,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel 10 m PL 08001002/80 Eur 35.9,- Add to cart Demand - email form
Metre steel non-glue 5 m LP 08001002/9 Eur 14.7,- Add to cart is not posible | please use E-mail form Demand - email form
Metre steel 1 - 0 - 1m 08001002/90 Eur 11.7,- Add to cart is not posible | please use E-mail form Demand - email form
Price without VAT

- Detailed description:
Appropriate for stick upon various types machine, working portfolio et al. surface, especially then on regarded desks and other. For everyday work with metering and admeasurement. Metre is with quality glue firm 3D.
- Technical specification:
Longitude 1000 mm
Longitude 2000 mm
Longitude 3000 mm
Longitude 5000 mm
Longitude 10000 mm
Latitude 12 mm
- Other photo:
Stick-on metre sartorial - steel  - detail photo 495 Stick-on metre sartorial - steel  - detail photo 495 Stick-on metre sartorial - steel  - detail photo 495

- Links:
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