ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
Slovany 3051
544 01 Dvůr Králové n.L.
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Mo-Th..7:00 - 15:00
Fr.......7:00 - 14:00
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Portal cutting with chaff-cutter CS20 and clipping KM RS 100
Category Machines for textile, paper & other materials and subcategory Desks for upholstery works, finishing, knitting, spreading, lay end-cutting machines
Portal cutting with chaff-cutter CS20 and clipping KM RS 100 - main photo 663Transverse cutting superimposed matters, mobile portal with chaff-cutter with possibility air moulding, pared longitude with motory shift chaff-cutter KM RS 100.

custom made Custom made

Availability: Custom made
Price: on demand
Online order is not possible
(please use E-mail form - demand)
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- Detailed description:
In those version: two service stratification until highs 12 cm, decoiler with mechanical brakes, shaft with filling thorn, topper Lamino 18 mm, portal with transverse and sliding feed chaff-cutter by hand, sliding feed portal wheel. Sheeter clipping km R 100 guidee motory to the catch. Restrained longitude lay counter wheel and scaler longitude LUCA.
- Technical specification:
Max. breadth input material: 2200 mm
Max. longitude lay: 6000 mm
Possibility no on-load lay and laminate
- Other photo:
Portal cutting with chaff-cutter CS20 and clipping KM RS 100 - detail photo 663 Portal cutting with chaff-cutter CS20 and clipping KM RS 100 - detail photo 663 Portal cutting with chaff-cutter CS20 and clipping KM RS 100 - detail photo 663

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