ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ROBEX DK, s.r.o.
Slovany 3051
544 01 Dvůr Králové n.L.
VAT: CZ 27471489 (DIČ)
Mo-Th..7:00 - 15:00
Fr.......7:00 - 14:00
tel.: +420 499 321 109
fax: +420 499 621 124
Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength
Category Accessories for production plants & machines (measure) and subcategory Expanding pneumatic shafts, safety and clamping shafts
Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - main photo 975Safety Chucks (foot or flange versions) with or w/o shaft extension, for square dimensions from 14 to 230 mm or for triangle dimensions from 20 to 96 mm, shaft weight up to 64 t, max. torque up to 41.000 Nm, extensive accessories. We delivery only to Czech Republic!

our tip Our tip custom made Custom made

Price: on demand
Online order is not possible, because
product has more subproduct (bottom)
Online demand is not possible

- Detailed description:
Many of dimensions are completely submitted to your technical specs - so ROBEX DK, s.r.o. will provide the right chuck to match your application requirements and to fit your equipment.

Safety chucks "normal" design
with or without shaft

- Technical specification:
Input: square from 14 to 230 mm, triangle from 20 to 96 mm
or special solutions!
For shaft weights up to 640.000 N
Max. torque up to 410.000 Nm
Special solution on request
Please send e-mail request!
- Other photo:
Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975 Basic safety Chucks type KL.S and KL.F for high strength - detail photo 975

- Links:
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This list was printed from web pages ROBEX DK, s.r.o. ( ). All rights reserved. Please check recency always! Order or request at e-shop, by phome or fax, by e-mail. Please advice impact on environment before printing this.