ROBEX DK, s.r.o.®
Slovany 3051
54401 Dvůr Králové nad Labem
Czech republic (EU)

Company ID: 27471489
Tax ID: CZ 27471489 (VAT)

GPS: N 50 26.140 E 15 48.586

phone (main switchboard): +420 499 321 109
official email:
Contact informations
Bank connection

Our effort is to help you, as much as we can, to find us. Therefore we have prepared for you a unique systeme for searching the most convenient route to our company. It is enough if you enter the name of the town into the field Where are you going to and you confirm that by a keystroke. Afterwards, a new window with an itinerary map will appear. Whether you are going to visit our company shop, our construction office or carrying your tools for servicing, remember: each road leads to us.

Printable map

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Information according to law : company registered at the Regional Court in Hradec Králové (section C, insert 20945), company manager: Tomáš Robek (share capital: CZK 200,000), establishment identification number: 1001728815


Lenka Mošničková

sales, spares for cutting machine
Lenka Mošničková has No photo

specialist for spare parts, knifes, handy cutting machine etc.

Ludmila Pilnáčková

sales, e-shop, foreign business
Ludmila Pilnáčková has No photo

specialist for tag pins, dummy, scissors, metre etc.

Petr Hulík

electrian, service technician
Petr Hulík has No photo

electro and service, tools service


Vladimír Vaňura

Foto Vladimír Vaňura

solution to your demand

Zdeněk Šorma

chief constructor, engineer
Zdeněk Šorma has No photo

specialist for band saw, cutting machine and other special machines etc.

Tomáš Doležal

associate producer
Tomáš Doležal has No photo

supervisor of custom made machine, quality control

Martin Vlk

constructor senior
Martin Vlk has No photo

machine construction, without specialization


Jana Glazarová

head clerk, personnel manager
Jana Glazarová has No photo

sales agreement, invoicing

Jiří Buchar

development, technical, IMS manager
Foto Jiří Buchar

marketing, IT, electro-projection, admin, company ombudsman ...

Tomáš Robek

managing director
Tomáš Robek has No photo

representation and management of the company (CEO)

Štěpán Robek

company founder
Foto Štěpán Robek

founder of the company

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