Pneumatical press with electrical control

Pneumatical press with electrical control - main photo 780
Pneumatical press with electrical control - detail photo 780 Pneumatical press with electrical control - detail photo 780

Small electrically operated pneumatic press with two-hand trigger. This press was offered as a bargain and has already been sold. upon agreement, we can supply several pieces of similar presses.

Condition: new
Warranty: 24 months / 12 months on ID
Availability: Unknown (verify)
ID 780
not available
The product has been removed from the offer
Detailed description

Transmission pressure is secured currency pneumatic piston. Press delivery with bedside table. Single parts press is current pneu lead and electron divorce with switch-board and control device. Safety element answering data production! El. output for closure lighting.

Technical specifications

Overall dimension: 700x550x1040
altitude dine portfolio: 780 mm
working pressure: about 5Mpa
lower opening: about 11 mm
top connection: about 10 mm
(get, modification for Your implement)
operating: with both hands, el. contact-maker
setout: 42 mm
lifting height: about 50 mm


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