RB-VP 1400 - automatic vertical band saw (cutting and formatting)
Automatic vertical band saw RB VP 1400 for easy trimming, formatting and division of PUR blocks. In the longitudinal direction the cut is made by the feed of the material and in the transverse direction by the feed of the saw. The device enables cutting, formatting, cutting of a block of PUR material without demanding manipulation of the block during cutting.
RB-VP 1400 - automatic vertical band saw (cutting and formatting)
The saw is designed exclusively for cutting flexible foam materials into bulk density 160kg / m3. Cuts from semi-finished products up to 2 sizes 000 x 2 200 mm (area) 1300 mm high depending on bulk density. The saw is equipped with a control system for precise positioning of the face and measuring the cutting position. Possibility of remote management and data export to USB.
RB 35 MP - small vertical PUR band saw (for small parts cutting)
Two-wheel, lightweight band saw with sliding desk especially suitable for cutting smaller parts of polyurethane foam and other. Saw RB 35MP based on the type of small saw to the textile cutting named RB 35 PP. High-precision band saw for small parts.
RB-V 600 - vertical band saw without sliding desk
Basic model of RB 600 series. Triple wheel vertical band saw with stable desk.
RB-VP 600 - vertical band saw with sliding desk
Triple wheel vertical band saw for soft foam cutting.
RB-VP 1100 - vertical band saw with sliding desk and two squares (luxury)
Four wheels vertical band saw with full equipment. Suitable for boards cutting and forming. The maximum cutting height to 1100 mm, distance from the square to blade 1150 mm and length of sliding desk (cut length) to 2200 mm. It is the most ideal solution.
RB-VP 1300 - vertical band saw for PUR
Massive four-wheels band saw with variable cutting height up to 1300 mm suitable for formatting and common cutting PUR. From economic to luxury version, according to customer's request.
PRS 4 - repassed, modification vertical band saw
PRS 4 modification for cutting froth, foam material in vertical, upright plains.
RB-VP 600/G - special vertical band saw for graphite blocks cutting
Specially, custom maded band saw for exact cutting from graphite blocks.