Ultrasonic NC machinery

Ultrasonic NC machinery - main photo 676
Ultrasonic NC machinery - detail photo 676 Ultrasonic NC machinery - detail photo 676

Machine destined for cutter and welding sheeting and textile with admixture synthetist. Machine is fully automatic, works special software for 2D drawing and gruelling plans. Work with PC and 3 seed guidance ultrasonic head is secured currency HQ and accuracy cut.

Condition: new
Warranty: as agreed
Availability: Custom made
ID 676
on demand

The product is made to order, according to the exact specification of the customer. The price depends on the amount of equipment and the optional specification of the product.

Detailed description

It is only speciment pilot machinery working on tenet NC machine.

Technical specifications

Tension: AC 400 V
Ultrasonic head: SKODA
Proportions: according to setting
Special driving software
PC with given to characteristics


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Another services

We offer full warranty and post-warranty service, repairs and maintenance incl. delivery of spare parts.

The presented product is made to order, according to the customer's wishes. In some cases, it can be arranged to demonstrate it at an existing customer. We are also able to arrange tests with your material.

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