Saw, belt knives 3580 x 10 x 0.45 - normal, one side edge

Saw, belt knives 3580 x 10 x 0.45 - normal, one side edge - main photo 533
Saw, belt knives 3580 x 10 x 0.45 - normal, one side edge - detail photo 533 Saw, belt knives 3580 x 10 x 0.45 - normal, one side edge - detail photo 533

Saw band for belt saw, splitting machine. High-quality material. Type: normal, one side edge

Condition: new
Warranty: 24 months / 12 months on ID
Availability: At Stock (verify) 02001088/2 (ID 533)
Eur 10,- net of VAT
Eur 12,- VAT incl.
Detailed description

We offer in breadth, longitude and thickness according to of your needs!

Technical specifications

longitude knives: 3580 mm
width knives: 10 mm
thickness edge: 0.45 mm
type edge: normal, one side edge

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