Welding machine SVS/EF for filter materials

Welding machine SVS/EF for filter materials - main photo 714
Welding machine SVS/EF for filter materials - detail photo 714 Welding machine SVS/EF for filter materials - detail photo 714

Specially mature pneumatic operated machine for sealing filter materials by fusing wire.

Condition: new
Warranty: as agreed
Availability: Custom made
ID 714
on demand

The product is made to order, according to the exact specification of the customer. The price depends on the amount of equipment and the optional specification of the product.

Detailed description

Machine for production untipical filter-bed. Specially identified for small-lot production. Shift material by hand. After press foot-operated control pedal happen to perfect sealing-in two strata material on.

Technical specifications

Tension: AC 230V
Amperage: 16A
Input: 3600 W
Temperature adjustment: Yes
Control voltage: DC 24 V
Pneumatic thrust: Yes
This machine answer all safety considerations and specification CR and EC!


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Another services

We offer full warranty and post-warranty service, repairs and maintenance incl. delivery of spare parts.

The presented product is made to order, according to the customer's wishes. In some cases, it can be arranged to demonstrate it at an existing customer. We are also able to arrange tests with your material.

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