Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types)

Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - main photo 867
Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867 Blades for HSG 3 VW and HSG 03 VW (more types) - detail photo 867

Blades for HSG 3 VW and some for HSG 03 VW.

Condition: new
Warranty: 24 months / 12 months on ID
Availability: Unknown (verify)
ID 867
Variants (Types of knives)
HSG 3 VW and HSG-0 RU Round blade 3-10 mm
ID 867-1
Eur 103.7,-
Eur 125.48,- VAT incl.
HSG 3 VW RU Round blade 11-20 mm
ID 867-2
Eur 114.6,-
Eur 138.67,- VAT incl.
HSG 3 VW RU Round blade 25-75 mm
ID 867-3
Eur 144,-
Eur 174.24,- VAT incl.
HSG 3 VW RU Round blade 80-120 mm
ID 867-4
Eur 204.7,-
Eur 247.69,- VAT incl.
HSG 3 VW RU Round blade 121-160 mm
ID 867-5
Eur 235.2,-
Eur 284.59,- VAT incl.
HSG 3 VW OV Oval blade circumference to 160 mm
ID 867-6
on demand
HSG 3 VW OV Oval blade circumference up to 161 mm
ID 867-7
on demand
HSG 3 VW RE Rectangular blade circumference to 160 mm
ID 867-8
on demand
HSG 3 VW RE Rectangular blade circumference up to 161 mm
ID 867-9
on demand
HSG 3 VW HR Semi-circural blade
ID 867-10
on demand
HSG 3 VW WI Angle blade
ID 867-11
on demand
Detailed description

Biggest possible selection knives for heat cutter HSG 3 VW or HSG 03 VW. Delivery to 3 weeks.

Technical specifications

For heat cutter type: HSG 3 VW nad HSG 03 VW
Type of blade:
RU - Round blade
OV - Oval blade
RE - Rectangle blade
HR - Semi-cular blade
WI - Angle blade

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